Myths and Truths…

When we’re talking about voices and visions, we’re talking about people seeing, hearing, or sensing things that other people around them don’t. Lots of people actually have these experiences and it is common - about 1 in 8 children and young people have these experiences and even lots of famous people too. Some people have experiences which comfort, inspire or make them laugh. Others have ones that are more frightening and confusing. Many have a bit of both.

There are lots of information and opinions out there about voices - some can be quite confusing and not the entire truth. Check out our videos below that start to set the record straight and dispel these myths about voice-hearing!

Understanding Hearing Voices

Figuring out why these things might be happening can be a bit scary and overwhelming.

There are lots of different ways of making sense of voices, visions, and other unusual experiences. You might have some definite ideas about why this is happening to you, or someone you know. If you’re feeling confused, or would like to hear about the different ideas others have too, we’ve listed some of the most common ones below:

  • Trauma/difficult life events

  • Spiritual experiences

  • Individual difference

  • Special gift or sensitivity

  • Emotional health problems

  • Inner speech

  • Physical health problems

Whatever the root cause, it can be helpful to think about what is triggering the voices/visions (or what’s making them more difficult to cope with). This could include: tiredness, certain emotions (like anger, frustration or sadness), places, situations, or times of the day/year.

If you’re trying to make sense of your experiences, it’s a good idea to talk things over with someone you trust.

All of this information about hearing voices can be overwhelming to read on websites, so we’ve put everything together in an easy to download PDF document you can read when you find helpful. Click below to download your copy

Voices and Visions Booklet

We also have many more resources to help you understand your experiences.